Monday 18 December 2017

The Stoke On Trent Branch of the Juche Idea Study Group and the Staffordshire Branch of the UK KFA STATEMENT ON THE 100TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF KIM JONG SUK, THE HEROINE OF THE KOREAN REVOLUTION


The Staffordshire Branch of the UK KFA and the Stoke On Trent Branch of the Juche Idea Study Group has issued a join statement in commemoration of the centenary of the life and work of Kim Jong Suk. Kim Jong Suk's activities in promoting the emancipation of women is an inspiration for women all over the world. We, Friends of Korea and Followers of the Juche Idea take great pride in celebrating the achievements of the Revolutionary Heroine Kim Jong Suk. In the city of Hoeryong, North Hamgyong Province, Kim Jong Suk was born into a family of poor peasants. At the time Kim Jong Suk's birth, Korea was a colony of Japanese Imperialism. She witnessed first hand the brutality of the Japanese occupation of Korea and the injustice of a class based society. Kim Jong Suk became aware of the oppression suffered by the women of Korea at an early age. The brother of Kim Jong Suk, Kim Ki Song was a martyr for the cause of the Anti-Japanese Liberation Struggle. Kim Jong Suk joined the Korean People's Revolutionary Army on September 18th, 1935 and contributed to ensuring victory in clashes and to saving the Korean Revolution. During the Dashahe battle in June 1940, Kim Jong Suk ensured the safety of General Kim IL Sung, the Headquarters of the Revolution. Through her revolutionary activities, Kim Jong Suk created a model for women to follow, destroying the reactionary stereotype that women should not engage into political and military affairs and remain passive. Kim Jong Suk was always in the midst of the battlefields and in the underground activities, proving that the Korean sisters can liberate themselves due to the Songun-based self reliance. Taking up arms, Kim Jong Suk regarded weapons as the mainstay of the revolution and resolved to fight for the liberation of the Korean people and to liberate the working class with the guns of proletarian justice until imperialism ceases to exist on the Earth.
Kim Jong Suk nurtured Kim Jong IL to be a Great Leader and Outstanding Revolutionary, who would always uphold Kim IL Sung and work for the good of the people. After Korea was freed from Japanese Imperialist rule in 1945, Kim Jong Suk worked for nation building by mobilizing the Korean women in the Anti-Feudal, Anti-Imperialist Democratic Revolution and in the Socialist Construction. Kim Jong Suk was instrumental in the foundation of the Korean Democratic Women's Union in November 18th, 1945. Kim Jong Suk is remembered as an Indomitable Woman Revolutionary General who blazed the trail for female liberation in Korea, Asia and the World. Women in the DPRK have full rights and duties, the Korean women are the independent masters of the state and society. A vanguard role is being played by women in the effort a Thriving Socialist Nation in The DPRK guided by Kim Jong Un.
Kim Jong Suk fashioned a Juche-orientated Socialist Feminist Movement, which has galvanized women to strive for genuine emancipation in many countries of the world. The Stoke On Trent Branch of the Juche Idea Study Group and the Staffordshire Branch of the UK KFA calls upon the progressive women of Britain to study the exploits and teachings of Comrade Kim Jong Suk. Only taking up the study and the application of the Juche Idea can women in Britain and other Western Countries liberate themselves, ideologically and materially, and aim towards true equality. Let us uphold the example and memory of the Immortal Woman Revolutionary Comrade Kim Jong Suk!
Issued 18/12/2017

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