Friday 8 September 2017

The myth of the "north Korean famine " and " 1 million died " proved wrong by population statistics

Was having a conversation with a friend this morning mentioned that t the old "famine " myth about the DPRK was mentioned and how "1 million people died " etc was being trotted out by the BBC etc
   I checked up on the DPRK's population on a website called worldometers . It showed the DPRK 's population as being 20,194,354 in 1990, 21,763,670 in 1995 and 22,840,218 in 2000. So the DPRK 's population actually increased by over 1 million between 1995 and 2000 and for the decade 1990 to 2000 it increased by 2,645,864 ! . Therefore it is impossible that " 1 million died ". The imperialists cannot stop lying about the DPRK

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