Wednesday 13 September 2017

Czech-Korean Friendship Pektusan Society on UNSC sanctions

Statement against further sanctions of the UN Security Council and a seditious campaign against the DPRK

Pektusan's Czech-Korean friendship firmly condemns the UN Security Council's ever-escalating sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea aimed at destroying its socialist system, independence and independent state existence.
The UN RB has long been acting as a US imperialist puppet, recklessly aspiring to the worldview and oppressing most of the world's peoples.
Repeated unanimous UN sanctions sanctions are particularly striking by states that themselves face US threats of trying to make a stand-alone policy. The Russian Federation is subject to US sanctions and their vassals, including the European Union, yet repeatedly approving similar actions against the people of Korea. The governments of Russia and China are re-emerging that they are closer to US gangster imperialism than an independent state seeking peace, global independence and social progress.
Sanctions against DPRK for strengthening its nuclear arsenal, forced by the long-term threats of the US and their puppetry by military aggression, are wholly lenient on the part of states that themselves own nuclear weapons and do not go into disarmament as an example.
Pektusan's Czech-Korean friendship firmly rejects the outrageous move by Mexico and Peru, expelled by the DPRK ambassador, as well as a ban on traveling to the DPRK for US citizens. On the contrary, he highly appreciates the foreign policy of the DPRK, whose government is most consistently fighting against imperialism, and calls things by its real name.
Pektusan, a Czech-Korean friendship society, despises intense campaigning against the people of Korea in the Czech and Slovak media, as well as the censure of silence on the part of socialist supporters who are trying in vain to please everyone and not to provoke class enemies. He warns against the illusions of false patriots and progressors who actually serve imperialism. In this context, he recalls the disparaging statement of the President of the Czech Republic, Milos Zeman, that the DPRK is the most repugnant regime on the globe and a large concentration camp in which a military coup is needed.
Pektusan's Czech-Korean Friendship Society congratulates the DPRK for the successful strengthening of nuclear weapons for self-defense, the defense of independence and socialism. He warmly thanks the heroic people of Korea for carrying a red battalion of the workers' movement, thrown down by traitors and surrogates of many countries including ours.
We are convinced that it will not threaten sanctions and threats to the People's Republic of Korea, but will further strengthen the unity of its people under the wise leadership of the Korean Labor Party headed by Marshal Kim Jong Un.
Away with criminal sanctions against the people of Korea!
Gone with US troops in South Korea and other occupied territories!
Gone with imperialism, the originator of unjust wars and the immense suffering of all mankind!

Society of Czech-Korean Friendship Pektusan,
Prague, September 12, Juche 106 (2017)

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