Monday 21 August 2017


Recently Donald Trump has been issuing a number of threats against the government and people of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. The US President has got into the habit of making various statements about bringing "fire and fury" upon the Korean peninsula. These utterances from Trump have pushed Korea, the North-Asian region and indeed the world to the point of thermonuclear war. The US has made the possibility of war in Korea a realistic option due to the reckless and bellicose language and actions of the Trump Administration
The alleged cause for these outbursts from the White House and threats of nuclear annihilation from the United States are on the supposed menace of the DPRK's missile and nuclear weapons' programme. For many decades, the United States had a clear advantage in terms of nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula, when the US military introduced short and medium ranges missiles into south Korea in 1957. In fact, the build up and deployment of nuclear weapons by the US in south Korea, resulted in there being stationed currently a thousand nuclear warheads at US military bases. The DPRK government has called for a peace treaty with the USA and for mutual reduction of arms on the Korean peninsula, but the US Imperialists have chosen to ignore the path of dialogue and have gone on the road of confrontation. It in this atmosphere of potential military attack and invasion, the DPRK has been forced to develop its own defensive nuclear deterrent. The monopoly of nuclear weapons being in the hands of the imperialists has been broken forever by the efforts of the DPRK. The testing firing of the Hwasong 14 Intercontinental ballistic missile in July, 2017 proves most adequately that Songun Korea has the means and technology to strike into the heart of enemy territory. This is what the US Imperialists are taking an issue with and risking a major war over, the loss of their nuclear monopoly.
Over the last few weeks, international public opinion has been horrified to have seen such provocative moves made against the DPRK by the US and its followers, as firstly by imposing unjustified sanctions and secondly, by making threats of a nuclear war. Since taking office in January, 2017, Trump has pursued a policy of aggression and confrontation against the DPRK, pushing the Korean peninsula to the brink of all out war. It is the fantasy of Trump and his Alt-Right advisers that the United States could fight and win a limited nuclear war in Korea. This is the politics of delusions, as the Korean Peoples Army would deliver a retaliatory blow of such immense power as to wipe out the centres of imperialist expansionism for good. Donald Trump should realise that international politics is not a television show or game show, but is a business for serious minded people and not attention seekers. The United Kingdom should in no shape or form, be involved into an US imperialist aggression in Korea, as any participation in a war on the Korean peninsula would be against British national interests and would be a disgrace to the name of the UK. The vast majority of the British people do not want or desire military action against Peoples Korea!
The Staffordshire Branch of the Korean Friendship Association (UK) urges all people of goodwill to vigorously oppose Trump's war plans against the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. We in the Staffordshire KFA Branch want the Peace and Labour Movements to mount a campaign to stop any war from breaking out in Korea and to be in solidarity with the Korean people. Our branch stands in absolute solidarity with the people of the DPRK in their defence of independence and socialism!!
Issued By The Staffordshire Branch of the UK Korean Friendship Association
Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, UK

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