Wednesday 25 February 2015

ASSPUK and JISGE support resolution of the WPK Political Bureau " Holding Fast to Behests of the Great Comrade Kim Jong Il as Eternal Guidelines for Our Party and Revolution and Carrying Them out to the Last"

                     London 25th of February Juche 104(2015)
              The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and Juche Idea Study Group of England today issued a joint statement in support of the resolution "On Holding Fast to Behests of the Great Comrade Kim Jong Il as Eternal Guidelines for Our Party and Revolution and Carrying Them out to the Last". which was adopted the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Workers' Party of Korea on the 19th of February:
              During the past three years the WPK under the wisde leadership of dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN  has upheld the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL in high esteem as the eternal general secretary of the WPK and eternal leader of the revolution . Under the leadership of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN the WPK has carried out the behest of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL without concession nor deflection. The WPK under respected Marshal KIM JONG UN's leadership smashed the modern factional clique , the anti-party counter-revolutionary revisionist grouping who plotted to destroy the Korean revolution and restore capitalism. By smashing the modern day factional clique the WPK ensured oneness of ideology and single-hearted unity and also the contuinity of the revolution.
                              Recognising that the behests of great comrade KIM JONG IL are " serve as a textbook of the Korean revolution and scientific and encyclopedic important guidelines that indicate the way of building a thriving socialist nation and winning the final victory of the Juche revolution" , the WPK adopted a resolution to carry out these behests to the last . The resolution calls for the carrying forward the Juche revolution true to the behests of  great comrade KIM JONG IL without deviation or
concession. In order to do this a powerful ideological offensive must be mounted to blast away any negative influence . Moreover it is important to establish the monolithic ideological system of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN, the ideological system of great KIMILSUNGISM-KIMJONGILISM  . Finally a campaign will be waged against abuse of power, corrruption  and bureacratism.
                       We in the ASSPUK and JISGE are totally convinced that the WPK and People's Korea of Juche will make a great leap forward under the leadership of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN upolding the resolution of the Political Bureau of the WPK .The resolution will a powerful weapon and banner for realising the behests of great KIM JONG IL and will sweep all before it . What the resolution shows is that the WPK is upholding the revolutionary cause of Juche . Some ruling parties in former socialist countries did not uphold the behests of their founders and senior leaders but instead deviated from the correct path only to meet with defeat and disaster . We are sure that the WPK and Korean people will win final victory under the inspiring leadership of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN !


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