Tuesday 11 November 2014

JISGE, ASSPUK and UK KFA support the World Appeal of General Kim Jong Il Asia Pacific Commemoration Memorial Committee

http://www.uk-songun.com/index.php   email juche007@yahoo.co.uk

                      London 11th of November Juche 103(2014)
The Juche Idea Study Group of England , Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK and UK Korean Friendship Association issued a joint statement in support of the General Kim Jong Il Asia Pacific Commemoration Memorial Committee ;
                                      We support the World Appeal issued by the General Kim Jong Il Asia Pacific  Commemoration Committee as on the 17th of December this year it will be  years since the great leader generalissimo Kim Jong Il passed away so unexpectedly . It is the desire of the Juche Idea and Songun Idea followers of the UK and world progressive people that this should be solemnly commemorated in keeping with the spirit of reverence for the great leader generalissimo Kim Jong Il.
 The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il was born the son of guerrillas on Mt Paektu. He was the loyal and capable successor to the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung. Comrade Kim Jong Il developed the Juche Idea in depth and adminstered Songun politics .
      The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il was the true people's leader . He put the living standards of the Korean people first . He made long journeys to give guidance to local units , fully practising the Chongsan Ri method established by the great leader President Kim Il Sung.
                              The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il guided the Workers' Party of Korea since June 1964 when he started work on the Central Committee of the WPK and carried several decades of Songun revolutionary leadership
He passed away whilst on a trip to give on-the spot-guidance. Comrade Kim Jong Il could have retired and had an easy life but instead chose to carry on working in order to improve life for the people and to complete the Juche revolutionary cause.
It was thanks to the Songun(army-first ) leadership of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il, supreme commander of the KPA, that the outbreak of war on the Korean peninsula was prevented. It was comrade Kim Jong Il who made a breakthough in the struggle for national reunification opening up the June 15 era based on "By Our Nation Itself".
 The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il made an outstanding contribution to the cause of global independence and the world revolution by upholding the red flag of socialism in a difficult period and by authoring excellent theories of maintaining the Juche character in the revolution .

Thus our organisations , the Juche Idea Study Group, ASSPUK and UK Korean Friendship Association join with General Kim Jong Il Asia Pacific  Commemoration Committee in calling for  the revolutionary exploits of the great leader generalissimo Kim Jong Il to be commemorated so that his name will be eternal !


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