Sunday 9 February 2014

ASSPUK and JISGE support the work of the dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN "Let Us Bring About Innovations in Agricultural Production under the Unfurled Banner of the Socialist Rural Theses"

London 9th of February Juche 103(2014)
     The Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and the Juche Idea Study Group of England today issued a statement on the publication of the work "Let Us Bring About Innovations in Agricultural Production under the Unfurled Banner of the Socialist Rural Theses" by the dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN . The statement is as follows ;

                           The work "Let Us Bring About Innovations in Agricultural Production under the Unfurled Banner of the Socialist Rural Theses" was published by the dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN in the form of a letter sent to the conference of agricultural sub-work team leader. The publication of the work marks the coming 50th anniversary of the publication of the historic classic work "Theses on the Socialist Rural Question In our country " by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG, a charter for socialist rural construction

   Dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN in his letter praises the " Theses on the Socialist Rural Question " . He refers to the great achievements in the DPRK's agriculture that have been made in the last 50 years such as irrigation, mechanization , electrification as well as big strides in ideology.
   Dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN calls for holding to the line of the three revolutions stressing that the ideological revolution is the most important
"Primary effort should be channelled into the ideological revolution, so as to arm all the agricultural working people with Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and train them to be rural revolutionaries in the Songun era who work faithfully for the interests of their community and society and for their country and fellow people and dedicate their pure conscience and sincere efforts unsparingly to the country's agricultural development. The agricultural working people should be imbued with a thoroughgoing faith in socialism and steadfast anti-imperialist and class consciousness so that they can regard our style of socialism as their life and soul, love it ardently and fight staunchly against the imperialists’ moves for ideological and cultural infiltration."
    This remarks are a militant manifesto inspiring the agricultural workers of the DPRK to turn out in the struggle to smash bourgeois ideology and the infiltration of imperialism . Visiting the DPRK socialist countryside one can see the red flag fluttering over the fields . The work of dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN shows that the DPRK is sticking to the line of building socialist agriculture under the banner of the "Socialist Rural Theses " firmly rejecting "reform" and  "opening up " .

       The dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN sets the goal of achieving self-sufficiency in food as a way to smash the imperialist offensive against the
"The imperialists, who are not desirous of seeing us prospering and well-off, are intensifying pressure and economic sanctions against our country, resorting to sinister schemes to force our people to experience shortage of food so as to undermine the faith in socialism implanted in their minds. We must farm well by all means and solve the people's problem of food satisfactorily; by so doing, we can smash the enemy's anti-DPRK, anti-socialist schemes. As our country has already attained the status of a politico-ideological power and a military power, our style of socialism will remain unperturbed and we can push forward the revolution and construction with pluck and on our discretion whatever the enemy's moves only if we achieve self-sufficiency in food by farming well."

We, the ASSPUK and JISGE,  sincerely believe that the DPRK will achieve a
great victory in socialist farming under the wise leadership of dear respected
Marshal KIM JONG UN.


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