Wednesday 29 January 2014

Media's baseless frenzy against the DPRK

The frenzied and hysterical media campaign against the DPRK continues without let-up. The same story first pushed by the south Korean puppet propaganda agency Yonhap has been recycled and repeated over and over despite the fact that there is not one shred of real evidence to prove it(in fact it is a dubious assertion that some DPRK diplomats were recalled as there has been no mention in KCNA of new ambassadors to the countries concerned presenting their credentials which is normal when this happens) . This reminds one of the dictum of nazi propaganda boss Goebbels who said if you repeat a lie enough times then people believe it . Some idiots have even called for UN action against the DPRK or US military action on the basis of this false story. Even the notorious scumbag Shin has opened his big mouth !
To reiterate there have been no reports of trials or executions in the DPRK media nor any mention of ongoing struggle against anti-party counter-revolutionary factionalists . It is worth mentioning that the traitor that was executed on December 2013 was executed by the demand of ordinary workers and soldiers who held meetings to demand his execution after the serious double and triple crimes of treason, corruption and economic sabotage were revealed.
The false story about more executions has been spread by the south Korean puppets in order to distract attention from the excellent peace proposals made by the DPRK , also to divert attention from the ongoing furore concerning the interference of the south Korean "NIS" in the elections . Of course the US munitions companies as well as those of Germany , Israel and some other countries , stand to lose a lot of money should peace be established on the Korean peninsula

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