Saturday 18 January 2014


So we now we know who is for peace and who is for war on the Korean peninsula . On the 16th of January the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea put forward a set of crucial proposals aimed at heading off an escalation of tension on the Korean peninsula caused the decision of the US and south Korea to go ahead with the hated and controversial Foal Eagle and Key Resolve war exercises at the end of February. The proposals contained measures like halting mutual slander and recrimination as well as the obvious one of cancelling the exercises. If implemented these proposals would have gone a long way to creating a peaceful atmosphere and bringing about reunification  No one could be against these peoples, no one who wants peace in Korea and the world could reject but what happened, oh yes south Korea rejected the proposals even the right wing American Fox News had the headline "South Korea rejects North Korea's conciliatory offer".
          Instead of talking about peace south Korea instead said they would "unsparingly" punish the DPRK. What kind of response is this to a peace overture The US took a similar stand. The US is moving more and more troops and hardware to south Korea and the south Korean puppets are engaging a massive military build -up.No the US who pulls the strings of south Korea told them not to cancel Foal Eagle and Key Resolve because the exercises form a key part of US strategy in Korea.The US and their south Korean puppets have no interest in peace, they only want a war to destroy the DPRK.

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