Friday 16 August 2013

10th anniversary of the foundation of the ASSPUK

London August 17th 102(2013)

                        The 13th of August was the 10th anniversary of the foundation of  the Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK . 10 years ago on August   13th 2003 we took the momentous step of establishing the Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK one of the first Songun politics study organisations to be formed . We took the step because we recognised that Songun politics , which is an embodiment of the Juche idea , is a unique anti-imperialist revolutionary form of politics which meets the demands of the 21st century . Moreover as US imperialism and world imperialism were stepping up their intervention and aggression all over the world we recognised that it was only the Democratic People's Republic of Korea under the Songun revolutionary leadership of great generalissimo Kim Jong Il that was standing up to US imperialism and facing it down particularly in the tense stand-off over the nuclear issue. Songun politics administered by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il to us was (and is) the cutting edge ideology of anti-imperialist class struggle and the shield for defending Juche-based socialism. Thus we decided that the study , defence and dissemination of Songun politics was the order of the day . From 2002 we in the Juche Idea Study Group of England discussed many times the question of founding an organisation to defend and promote Songun politics. On the 13th of August 2003 we struck the iron while it was hot an announced the formation of the Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK.
 Founding such an organisation in an imperialist country , the UK, which is a close ally of US imperialism (the so-called "special  relationship") was not easy and we encountered some difficulties . We faced hostility from reactionaries as well from revisionists and opportunists . However we held many meetings and seminars on Songun politics and the Songun idea. We published key articles and speeches such as "50 years of Songun revolutionary leadership "   and "Songun politcs a revolutionary anti-imperialist form of politics suited to the 21st century ". We together with our allied organisations we carried out many activities to defend the DPRK and Songun.
                                                             We are proud to have fraternal ties with the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front of south Korea . We were delighted to receive a message of greetings from them on the occasion of our 10th anniversary which read in part

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Association for the Study of Songun Politics in the UK , we are very pleased to send you our most heartfelt congratulations and best regards.
Since the very day of its foundation, the ASSP has made remarkable distinguished successes in furthering the study and dissemination of the Juche idea and Songun idea, the great guiding ideas of our independent times, throughout the world, and staunchly defended and supported Songun Korea .
The association is giving powerful backing and encouragement to the Korean people in their just cause for building a thriving socialist country and reunifying the nation under the ever-victorious Songun revolutionary leadership of great Marshal Kim Jong Un.

                     We also maintain friendly relations with the Korean Association of Social Scientists  and several other organisations in the DPRK such as the Korea
Publications Exchange Association.

        Our organisation will continue to do its best to promote the in-depth study of Songun politics and the Songun idea and to disseminate it Songun politics widely as well as defending Songun Korea led by the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un.


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