Thursday 11 July 2013

60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Fatherland Liberation War-ASSPUK and JISGE

London 12th July Juche 102(2013)


Today the ASSPUK and JISGE issued a joint statement on the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation war of the Korean people against the US imperialist aggressors.;
                        It is 60 years since the US imperialists were defeated by the heroic Korean People's Army commanded by the ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander Marshal Kim Il Sung. July 27th is the second day of liberation for the Korean people .  It inspires the Juche idea and Songun idea followers of the world as well the oppressed peoples of the world from the ghettoes of Brixton, to the streets of Belfast ,to the foothills of Bogota.
                                    The US imperialists lost over : 1,567,128 men including 405,498 US soldiers, 1,130,965 south Korean puppet troops, and 30,665 soldiers of their satellite states were killed, wounded or captured; 12,224 airplanes includ­ing "air fortress B-29" were downed, damaged or captured, 7,695 guns, 3,255 233 tanks and armoured cars were lost; and 564 warships and vessels including the heavy cruiser Baltimore and the flagship of the Seventh Fleet Missouri were sunk or damaged. The loss suffered by the US imperialists was nearly 2.3 times greater than what they had suffered in the four years of the Pacific War during World War II.

 The Fatherland Liberation War of the Korean was an unequal battle as the US imperialists threw in huge armed forces plus the troops of 15 of their satellite countries as well the Japanese militarists not too mention the south Korean puppets. The US imperialists used barbaric methods of warfare exceeding those of the Hitlerlite nazis. They used germ and chemical warfare and carried out horrendous massacres. All these failed to subdue the Korean people who under the wise leadership of the great revolutionary leader Marshal Kim Il Sung achieved a great victory. The forces of the heroic KPA defeated the so called "Invincible US 24th Divsion", taking its commander General Dean prisoner. Dean was the first US general to be captured by an opposing side. The KPA turned Height 1211 into a hill of heartbreak for the US imperialist aggressors.

 The KPA and Korean people fought in the revolutionary spirit of self reliance.
The great revolutionary leader Marshal Kim IL Sung stated“We must solve our problems no matter who is helping us and what help we get......Victory must be won by our strength” " It was their efforts that were primary in defeating the US imperialist aggressors.
    In the Fatherland Liberation War commanded by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung ,the reactionary bourgeois military theory was smashed by the Juche- orientated revolutionary military strategy and theory. Generalissimo Kim Il Sung continually stressed that the outcome of war is not determined by weapons or technology but by those who wield the weapons. The Fatherland Liberation War was a burning crucible of Songun. The Korean People's Army commanded by the great leader generalissimo Kim Il Sung was a true people's army, an army of justice and liberation. It helped the people . A strong spirit of Army-People unity prevailed throughout  society. Summing up the significance of the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War The great revolutionary leader Marshal  Kim Il Sung said
"In this great struggle our people fought determinedly as one in mind under the correct leadership of the party and government and thereby withstood the harsh trials of war honourably and won a historic victory inflicting an ignominious defeat on US imperialism and its running dogs" 
The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il said
 "It was a great revolutionary war of worldwide significance, a war in which our people defended their motherland and inflicted the first-ever defeat on US imperialism, the ringleader of world imperialism, by waging a national, heroic struggle. It was, indeed, a miracle that our newly-liberated people could defeat the powerful US imperialists in this war. At the time the enemy forces were incomparably superior to ours both numerically and technologically. The US imperialists mobilized for the Korean war their vast army, navy and air force armed with modern weapons and the latest equipment as well as the armies of their 15 satellites, and conducted the most cruel and brutal warfare. The young People's Army and our people were able to defeat these enemies because they fought heroically, displaying the indomitable fighting spirit of their anti-Japanese revolutionary forerunners and trusted and united closely behind the great leader, the legendary hero of the anti-Japanese war and the ever-victorious, iron-willed, brilliant commander"

 The Fatherland Liberation War ended in victory due to the Juche orientated military tactics, Juche-orientaed military thought and Songun revolutionary leadership of the great leader supreme commander Marshal Kim Il Sung and the sublime heroism of the KPA. The victory inspired national liberation and revolutionary movements all over the world to struggle against the colonial system of the US-led imperialists bringing about an era of decline for  US imperialism  an era of anti -imperialism . US imperialism's defeat in Korea preceded its defeat in Vietnam and elsewhere
                                  Today the viscous US imperialists and south Korean puppets are running wild to ignite a second Korean war . As dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un says " Counter a provocation with a prompt counterattack and a war of aggression with a great, just war for national reunification " . If a war is provoked the  Songun revolutionary armed forces of the Korean people will wage a sacred war of national reunification to liberate south Korea and win final victory turning the armstice into a document of surrender.
                              We stand foursquare with the DPRK the anti-imperialist bastion ,deeply  inspired by the Korean people's victory against US imperialism .


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