Friday 28 September 2012

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism -an introduction

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism have now been acclaimed by the world people as well as the people of the DPRK as the great revolutionary ideology of our era. Today the Korean people under the Songun revolutionary leadership of great respected Marshal Kim Jong Un are building a thriving socialist country under the banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism. 
                                 What is Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism ?  Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the great revolutionary ideology  developed by the great leader President Kim Il Sung and further enhanced by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il .
              The dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un,  First Secretary of the  Workers' Party of Korea, First Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army defined Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as follows
" an integral system of the idea, theory and method of Juche, and a great revolutionary ideology representative of the Juche era. Guided by Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, we should conduct Party building and Party activities, so as to sustain the revolutionary character of our Party and advance the revolution and construction in line with the ideas and intentions of the President and the General. "
This is a classic definition  of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism the eternal guideline of the Workers' Party of Korea and indeed the Democratic Peoples's Republic of Korea.  It sums it up in a concise yet profound way.
                 In the 1970s the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il developed Kimilsungism which had profound ideological and thereoctical contents which consisted of the the Juche idea, the Juche-orientated theory of revolution and the Juche-orientated leadership method. Later on leader Kim Jong Il fully systematised the Juche idea in his work of great renown "On the Juche Idea". Eternal Chairman Kim Jong Il in the late 80s and early 90s wrote many deep and perceptive works analysing the causes of the frustration of socialism in some countries. He also developed in depth the Songun politics and Songun idea which had been initiated by the great leader President Kim Il Sung.  People began to speak of Kimjongilism but leader Kim Jong Il being very modest and a loyal disciple of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung strictly forbade the use of the term Kimjongilism pointing out that his ideas were the ideas of the great leader President Kim Il Sung
                                  Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is fully consistent with the Juche idea. It is the ideology of the Juche era which is different to all previous eras and epochs . Before the Juche era history was dominated and made by the exploiters , the ruling class. However the oppressed and exploited masses such as workers in capitalist countries and the peoples of colonial and semi-colonial emerged as the makers of history . Typical of this was was the emergence of the first socialist state in the world and the anti-imperialist national liberation struggle such as the anti-Japanese armed struggle led by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung.

 It fully enshrines the ideas of the great leaders comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il . Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is a great revolutionary programme for the contuinity of revolutionary leadership and socialist construction in the DPRK. In the DPRK thanks to dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un instead of denying the ideas , theories and leadership of the preceding
great leaders President Kim Il Sung and general Kim Jong Il, their theories have been elevated a new higher level , Kimilsungism -Kimjongilism .Respected Marshal Kim Jong Un  has vowed that there should no concession in adhering to the revolutionary ideas of the great leader President Kim Il Sung and the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il.  Under the banner of Kimilsungism -Kimjongilism the DPRK will advance along the road of independence,Songun and socialism and win victory after victory.

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