Monday 6 February 2012

ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA question "UNC" participation in Key Resolve


In response to reports that the UK may as part of the so-called "UN command " in south Korea may take part in Key Resolve and Foal Eagle thhe ASSPUK , JISGE and UK KFA call on the UK authorities not to participate in the aggressive war games Key Resolve and Foal Eagle . As KCNA states
"It is clear even to a mere child that the real aim of Key Resolve is not to cope with "a limited war to be provoked by someone" as it is to involve hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops, south Korean puppet forces and forces of satellite countries" . It is pretty self evident that Key Resolve and Foal Eagle are aggressive war exercises aimed at invading the DPRK and destroying its socialist system. It is very disturbing that the US are attempting to involve the armed forces of different countries this has an echo of the Korean war about it and also is similar to the pattern of US aggression a number of countries where "coalitions of the willing" or international allied forces were created . Over the last few years the US imperialists and south Korean puppets have been trying to resurrect the moribund skeleton of the so called "UN command " in south Korea with a view to inveigling others into their criminal plans in Korea

The UK must not repeat its shameful past when as a satellite state of the US it took part in the war provoked by the US in the 1950s. This brought dishonour and disgrace upon the UK as it took part in a barbaric war against the Korean people, a reactionary and unjust war against national liberation, independence and the reunification of Korea.
Our organisations demand that this no UK participation in Key Resolve or indeed any other aggressive exercise in south Korea and that the ghost like UNC is disbanded.

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