Thursday 6 October 2011

More Imperialist Media lies about People's Korea or old lies for new-commentary by UK KFA and JISGE

The Imperialist media such as Reuters have resurrected the old anti DPRK story "brink of starvation " saying things like "children face starvation" . This chimes in with the instensified anti-socialist anti DPRK smear broadcasting campaign launched by the south Korean puppets in violation of international laws on broadcasting. No doubt this has been timed to coincide with the anniverary of the Workers' Party of Korea. It also serves to distract from the succesful achievements in socialist construction such as the Huichon Power station and the Mansudae Area housing project , both of which would have been impossible to carry out if the DPRK genuinely faced mass hunger .
As a matter of the fact the DPRK is approaching the harvest period within 2 or 3 weeks. Children in nurseries are guanteed by law a supply of food . Below is a link to a picture of an orphanage in the DPRK

Meanwhile in the UK it has been widely reported that 35,000 people a day need food assistance from charities !

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