Saturday 23 July 2011

Juche and the Euro-zone crisis

(this is not nessecarily the opinion of the ASSPUK and JISGE but the perspective of an
individual Juche and Songun idea follower)

Now the headlines are full of talk of the Eurozone crisis . For a long time many urged support for the EU and the EMU and deeper intregration . Now the Eurozone is in deep crisis and the EMU is on the brink of falling apart . Those who believed that Britain should have never joined the EU have been proved right. On the one hand the EU had in theory the potenial to achieve European independence , however in reality it is the embryo form of an undemocratic superstate ruled by monopoly and finance capital.
Also the Euro has caused high prices in some countries.
The Eurozone crisis proves the validity , correctness and vitality of the line of the independent national economy and self-reliance. Britains needs to establish Juche and build an independent national economy.

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